Incentive Payment Procedure for Foreign Teachers of Hainan College of Foreign Studies
In order to provide additional incentive for superior teaching performance at our institution, we have created this opportunity for our foreign teachers. It is our sincere hope that our already great teaching staff are motivated to make increasing progress in their field of languages instruction during their time at our college. To this end, faculty will enjoy a pay increase based on each consecutive year of employment.
弹性工资评定办法 Incentive Payment Evaluation Method
The incentive payment evaluation program will only be applicable to employees who have already completed one school term of teaching. The program will be organized annually (in April) by the Division of International Affairs Centre. It will be composed of members from different departments and will survey students from a variety of classes.
2、在外教所教所有班级中各随机抽取10位学生填写《澳门新莆京游戏大厅外籍教师口语课堂教学评价表》; (小语种班级少于10学生的,则全班填写)
There will be ten students chosen randomly from different classes to score their foreign teacher. They will complete the “Teaching Evaluation Chart For Foreign Teacher’s Oral Class In Hainan College of Foreign Studies”
The dean, vice-dean of the department, the director of teaching and research office and language teachers will be invited to score the survey. (“Teaching Job Evaluation Chart for Foreign Teacher in Hainan College of Foreign Studies”)
For instructors scoring a 90 or above, a score of “excellent” will be awarded. For scores between 80 and 90, a score of “good” will be given. For scores from 60 to 80, “satisfactory”, and scores lower than 60 will be “unsatisfactory”.
5、 系部评定结果需公示3个工作日,公示后将《澳门新莆京游戏大厅外籍教师教学工作评价汇总表》(附件5)上交至国际交流中心。
The evaluation result shall be published for 3 working days in the department, and then the Summary Chart of Foreign Teachers' Teaching Evaluation, In Hainan College of Foreign Studies (Annex 5) shall be submitted to the International Exchange Center.
二、弹性工资标准 Incentive Payment Standard
Instructors with scores of “excellent” will be awarded the incentive payment of 500 RMB per month for the duration of 8 months.
Instructors with scores of “good” will be awarded the incentive payment of 300 RMB per month for the duration of 8 months.
Instructors with scores of “satisfactory” will be awarded the incentive payment of 100 RMB per month for the duration of 8 months.
No incentive payment will be given to instructors who receive a score of “unsatisfactory”.
三、弹性工资发放时间 Incentive Payment Schedule
The incentive payment will be granted as a taxable lump sum annually in June.
四、弹性工资评定机构 Evaluation Organization
Director: College leader responsible for International Affairs Center;
Group Members: International Affairs Center; Leaders from different departments who are in charge of relevant affairs.
五、 本办法由国际交流中心解释
International Affairs Centre has the final authority over decisions made for the Incentive Payment Administration Program.
六、 本办法自公布之日起执行
This Incentive Payment Administration Program will take effect from the initial date of promulgation.
April, 2020